Gentle Readers who are faithfully following this blog will realize not only are they eligible to win L$300 but that I've not been decorating for Christmas on every day since I started. Meep! How will I ever get my Christmas shopping done if I can't even get my Christmas decorating completed.
In a complete act of desperation I've come to rely on the kindness of strangers and a plea to both the Freebie Telegraph group inSL and the General Discussion Forum on Xstreet SL has yielded several friendly suggestions.
Today I'll share with you the responses I received from the merchants on Xstreet who recommended freebie and dollarbie Christmas decorating items.
I also want to give a special Meep shoutout to
Ginger Glimmer for the great idea she had of decorating each of the twelve days with the items from the song.
Next year I'll start out with a Partridge in a Pear Tree and see who has the best one. Everyone keep an eye out for one and let me know when you find one. I'm sure that five golden rings will be one of the easier things to come by.
The next Christmas suggestion came from
jay wright who has a
freebie particle Christmas tree you can get on Xstreet SL. It's an outline of a tree in green particles with a very pretty star at the top. You can also get it in several colors.
And a special holiday wishes to Glory Takashi who hasn't even started decorating her RL yet! Meep! I haven't started either!
Lutricia Roux has two dollarbie Christmas giftboxes you can get on Xstreet SL. The boxes are modify and transfer so you can add your gift item and then send it on to the recipient all nice and Christmasy looking. You know we kittens find the packaging almost as important as the gift when it comes to presents. They are really cute boxes and you can find
When I returned from looking at the Christmas boxes, I found a very nice surprise delivered right to my inventory from
Ravenblue Sin. She sent me a box that has a gesture for each verse from The Twelve Days of Christmas song, as sung by Bing Crosby. She also sent me a box of particle poofers that include a present for each day of the song. When you touch the present, it poofs a particle cloud that represents one of the verses from the song. Very Christmassy Cute and something this kitty would love to receive from a nice tomcat on each of the twelve days of Christmas! You can find Ravenblue's Twelve Days of Christmas items for sale on Xstreet SL here,
But those aren't freebies, and since this is all about decorating your place of business for the holidays on the cheap, you can find a very nice Christmas Present Box from Ravenblue Sin on Xstreet SL. It's a nicely wrapped Christmas present box that comes with three Christmas gestures and also poofs pretty red bows around it as it's sitting out. You can find her freebie on Xstreeet Sl at,
And the last suggestion from an Xstreet merchant was from
Wade1 Jya. She makes pets and animals inSL and she has a freebie Santa Avatar that you can win by solving a puzzle in her store. Meep! this kitty isn't a brainiac so she couldn't figure it out, but Wade1 says it's a 8-bit retro graphics style avatar, not a "realistic" one. So don't be disappointed if you're looking for a realistic one. Here's the link to Wade1's store
After all that clicking of the keyboard this kitty is going to crawl under the nice warm covers and get some nice purr time before digging into a whole big list of freebie and dollarbie suggestions from the great people in The Freebie Telegraph group.
Remember to live a luxurious holiday inSL
~CultureCannibal Zilz
Psssttt....see upper right hand corner of blog to "follow" and automatically be entered in the weekly give away. I'll be doing a live "drawing" to find out who the winner is on Friday, but don't worry you don't have to be present to win. Just have to be publicly following my blog! You can find the event listed if you want to watch the drawing in the Second Life event calendar by clicking here,