Friday, December 12, 2008

Oooops! I'm an hour late on the L$300 Give Away


Today is a busy day so I moved the live drawing for the weekly L$300 giveaway to 9AM.  And I completely though it was supposed to be at 10AM.  My apologies to anyone who tried to come watch since I wasn't there.  

I've added the new people following since last week and we have a list of 13 eligible people!  Some of you might notice that there are 14 people following the blog so 
far...well one of those 
fourteen is me and I've obviously excluded myself as being eligible for the give-away.

And the winner of this week's L$300 is....

[10:01]  CultureCannibal Zilz: You won my weekly drawing for L$300!  Thank you so much for following my blog. 
[10:03]  ZuZu Muircastle: wow
[10:03]  CultureCannibal Zilz: Any plans on how you are going to spend the Linden$?
[10:04]  ZuZu Muircastle: I love neko and collect tails, so you can bet it will go towards a new tail :)
[10:04]  CultureCannibal Zilz: Yay!!!!
[10:04]  ZuZu Muircastle: thank you
[10:05]  CultureCannibal Zilz: You're welcome. And thanks for following my blog.  It's been a bit sparse this week, but I will start up again this weekend.

Everyone stay tuned for next weeks giveaway and remember you can't win unless you enter by publicly following the blog!  Look at the top of the right hand colum to enter.

Friday, December 5, 2008

And the winner of the first L$300 Weekly GiveAway is!!!!

Ok, before I announce the winner, let me say this is how I do the live drawings. I put everyone whose a public follower of my blog into a list using Linden Scripting Language (LSL).  I then run the randomize list function on this list to mix up the order of everyone's name.  The next step in the script is to say the list in general chat in the new order.  The first person on the newly ordered list is the winner.  If someone actually showed up to watch the live drawing, I'd let them choose whether they want the first or last position in the list to be the winner.

Here's the script from this week's live drawing:

list dice = ["CJ Escher", "Zak Escher", "Orinoco Beresford", "Floradora Sol", "Barbie Hastings", "Taylor Thompson", "Lutricia Roux", "Jaxx Osterham", "RatzTale"];

    touch_start(integer num_detected) {
        list shuffled = llListRandomize(dice, 1);
        llSay(0, llDumpList2String(shuffled, ",\n"));
        // llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(shuffled));


Drum roll please!

And the first person on the reordered list this time was Jaxx Osterham!  

Congratulations, Jaxx. Spend your L$300 wisely!

Jaxx's not quite sure what she's going to spend the money on.  Perhaps you can IM her with some suggestions.

To be automatically entered in the drawing on Friday for another L$300, just start following this blog by clicking on the "Follow this blog" link in the upper right hand column above my photo. 

Good luck next week!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

On the Fifth Day of Christmas Decorating Leticia Segall sent me some help

Thank Meep for the Freebie Telegraph and Leticia Segall!  When I sent out my urgent request for further Christmas deocrating ideas to the Freebie Telegraph, Leticia Segall was one of the people who threw me some Christmas Cheer.  Leticia has a whole notecard of Xstreet SL free gifts for the holidays that she said I could share with you.  Be sure to send her an IM of thanks!

I've already reviewed some of the items on Leticia's notecard in some of the previous posts on The Twelve Days of Christmas Decorating series.  For the rest of the items on Leticia's list I'll post some of the Xstreet images and a link so you can find them easily.  Happy Holiday Decorating!

The first item is a set of three Animated Winter Paintings by Luthien Unsung.  Not only has she provided this wonderful freebie on Xstreet, but if you click on her name and look at her picks you can see that she's also got a 
Money Tree for new avatars!  Purrrrrr!   Here's the link to her animated winter scene paintings on 

Double Meep!  This box of Christmas decorations created by Alzahra Ames is a lovely find be Leticia.  If you're a business owner, not only can you use it to decorate your store, but Alzahra has also given permission to resell the decorations!  I especially like the candles set in the poinsettia.  You can find this on Xstreet SL at,

You can get a cute snowman texture to set or hang on the wall from DarkDharma Daguerre which you can find on Xstreet SL at,

Here's a nice elf stocking freebie texture that Leticia found on Xstreet SL.  This freebie is provided by Melly Huldschinsky from Striker & Mellys Designz for personalized cards, decorations, gifts and garden.  You can find the elf stocking on Xstreet at the following link,

Meep! How time flies while you're decorating for Christmas.  There's still a long list of items from Leticia and I'll have to cover them the next day. In the meantime, if any of you have great suggestions for Christmas items, be they freebies or for sale, please use the comments to suggest them.

Live a luxurious holiday inSL
~CultureCannibal Zilz

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Fourth Day of Christmas Decorating with suggestions from Xstreet SL Merchants!

Gentle Readers who are faithfully following this blog will realize not only are they eligible to win L$300 but that I've not been decorating for Christmas on every day since I started.  Meep!  How will I ever get my Christmas shopping done if I can't even get my Christmas decorating completed.

In a complete act of desperation I've come to rely on the kindness of strangers and a plea to both the Freebie Telegraph group inSL and the General Discussion Forum on Xstreet SL has yielded several friendly suggestions. 
 Today I'll share with you the responses I received from the merchants on Xstreet who recommended freebie and dollarbie Christmas decorating items. 

I also want to give a special Meep shoutout to Ginger Glimmer for the great idea she had of decorating each of the twelve days with the items from the song.  

Next year I'll start out with a Partridge in a Pear Tree and see who has the best one. Everyone keep an eye out for one and let me know when you find one.  I'm sure that five golden rings will be one of the easier things to come by.

The next Christmas suggestion came from jay wright who has a freebie particle Christmas tree you can get on Xstreet SL.  It's an outline of a tree in green particles with a very pretty star at the top.  You can also get it in several colors.

And a special holiday wishes to Glory Takashi who hasn't even started decorating her RL yet!  Meep!  I haven't started either!  

Lutricia Roux has two dollarbie Christmas giftboxes you can get on Xstreet SL.  The boxes are modify and transfer so you can add your gift item and then send it on to the recipient all nice and Christmasy looking.  You know we kittens find the packaging almost as important as the gift when it comes to presents.  They are really cute boxes and you can find 

When I returned from looking at the Christmas boxes, I found a very nice surprise delivered right to my inventory from Ravenblue Sin.  She sent me a box that has a gesture for each verse from The Twelve Days of Christmas song, as sung by Bing Crosby.  She also sent me a box of particle poofers that include a present for each day of the song.  When you touch the present, it poofs a particle cloud that represents one of the verses from the song.  Very Christmassy Cute and something this kitty would love to receive from a nice tomcat on each of the twelve days of Christmas!  You can find Ravenblue's Twelve Days of Christmas items for sale on Xstreet SL here,

But those aren't freebies, and since this is all about decorating your place of business for the holidays on the cheap, you can find a very nice Christmas Present Box from Ravenblue Sin on Xstreet SL.  It's a nicely wrapped Christmas present box that comes with three Christmas gestures and also poofs pretty red bows around it as it's sitting out.  You can find her freebie on Xstreeet Sl at,

And the last suggestion from an Xstreet merchant was from Wade1 Jya.  She makes pets and animals inSL and she has a freebie Santa Avatar that you can win by solving a puzzle in her store.  Meep!  this kitty isn't a brainiac so she couldn't figure it out, but Wade1 says it's a 8-bit retro graphics style avatar, not a "realistic" one.  So don't be disappointed if you're looking for a realistic one.  Here's the link to Wade1's store inSL,

After all that clicking of the keyboard this kitty is going to crawl under the nice warm covers and get some nice purr time before digging into a whole big list of freebie and dollarbie suggestions from the great people in The Freebie Telegraph group.  

Remember to live a luxurious holiday inSL
~CultureCannibal Zilz

Psssttt....see upper right hand corner of blog to "follow" and automatically be entered in the weekly give away.  I'll be doing a live "drawing" to find out who the winner is on Friday, but don't worry you don't have to be present to win.  Just have to be publicly following my blog! You can find the event listed if you want to watch the drawing in the Second Life event calendar by clicking here,

Monday, December 1, 2008

Take your picture with Santa from Dec 1 through the 25th.

It's always fun to see the little ones going to see Santa and to tell you the truth I miss it! I wish I could crawl right up there beside Santa and have my picture taken too.  Course I'd rather be curling up next to a sexy Santa with my tail wrapped around his finger while I purr away in contentment. 

Meep!  Did I just say that out loud? 

Luckily we can do in our Second Lives what we might be a lil too shy to do in our first ones. And to make that possible we're offering free photo opportunities with Santa at The Forum Shops mall.  We've set up three different areas with a special backdrop and sleigh so you'll have your choice about what type of Christmas photograph you want to take.  You can take your photo with a sexy male Santa or you can use the empty sleigh for you and a friend to have your photo taken together.  Best of all, you can find me in a sleigh when I'm not out and about.  

You can teleport to The Forum Shops,, and look for the Sexy Santas!  We're going to try to keep two models on the sleighs at all time so you can drop by anytime with friends to get your photo taken.  You just hope on the green pose ball above the sleigh and you'll be ready to start snapping your holiday photographs.

Zak Escher, from Forma Designs, explained to us how to run the METAbolt non-graphics browser to keep our avatars logged in 24/7.  If you don't see both our Santa's sitting on the sleighs, please IM me, CultureCannibal Zilz, and let me know so I can arrange for another model to take the place of whomever is missing.  Using models is great for people who are selling skins, shapes, or clothing.  I'll soon write a post explaining how to do this for yourself.

Happy Holidays!
~CultureCannibal Zilz